
Saturday 28 September 2013

Vanilla Cheesecake with Blackberries Sauce


Yesterday I decided to give a try to cheesecakes. Is not that I don't like them, it's just that I prefer chocolate hundred times more but...omg this one is YUMMY!
It was actually my other half's idea and I ended up doing it! So people, if you like cheesecakes you definitely gonna love this one!



  • 170g of any digestive biscuits (13 biscuits aprox.)
  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 95g of melted butterFOR THE FILLING:

  • 800 g of cream cheese (Philadelphia)
  • 160g of white sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 65ml of whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla paste

First thing is preheating the oven at 180 degrees. Grease your mould with a bit of butter or spray.
Crush your biscuits until they look like breadcrumbs. Mix them with the melted butter and the brown
sugar. Cover the base of your mould with the mixture until it's firm and refrigerate.While the base is chilling, prepare the filling!

With an electric mixer or a whisk, mix the cream cheese with the white sugar and the flour until it's blended. Add the eggs one by one. Finally add the vanilla paste and keep mixing BUT NOT FOR TOO LONG! Because if we mix or whisk for too long, once the cheesecake is in the oven it'll start showing these cracks that some cheesecakes have! And we don't want that ;)

Remove the base of the cheesecake from the fridge and fill the mould in with the cheese dough.

Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes and then keep the oven at 160 degrees for at least another hour.  After an hour check the cheesecake and move the mould, if the centre of the cake is the only part that moves that means that your cheesecake is ready!!!

Allow it to cool completely and then keep it in the fridge.


  • 300g of blackberries
  • 70g of icing sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of corn flour

Put all these ingredients into a pan and cook them over low heat. Stir until all the blackberries get a purée look.
Allow the sauce to cool down and then serve it over the cheesecake.

Are you ready to prepare the best cheesecake ever?

Tuesday 24 September 2013



HELLO all!

Yesterday I got my new neon colours from Wilton and I really couldn't wait to try them, so I decided to do some cake pops and cake balls using them as well as my new cake pop maker from Andrew James. 
I've got to say that I had to threw a few away as I wasn't used to the cake pop maker, but after a few tries... Ta Dah...!! Surprise!!!!! 
I cannot express my happiness once I bit them I and I saw all these amazing colours!!!

SERIOUSLY EVERYBODY NEEDS TO DO THEM!! They were fun to bake and easy!! All you need is this:

  • 100 ml of olive oil (not Virgin olive oil!)
  • 200 g of white sugar
  • 200 g of flour
  • 1,5 tbsp of baking powder
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 2 eggs
  • Your favourite extract ( I used strawberry extract but you can use whichever you prefer
Mix the milk with the lemon juice and let them rest for 5 or 10 minutes.

Whisk up the oil, eggs and the sugar. Add half of the flour (previously sieved) with the baking powder. Incorporate the milk and keep whisking with your electrical mixer and finally add the rest of the sieved flour and your favourite extract.
Should you wish to colour the dough now would be the right time to do so. Divide the dough in different bowls and add your colours either paste colours or gel colours (I wouldn't recommend using liquid colours for this dough).

Remember: it may take up to 5 minutes to cook in the cake pop maker and you also have to fill in the cavities with a tablespoon.
If you want to make your cake balls or cake pops with two colours this is what you have to do:

Add a tbsp of one of the doughs into one of the cavities of your cake pop maker and quickly add another one (different colour) on the top. Try to do it quickly as the dough at the bottom tends to rise! Wait for up to 5 minutes and they're done! 

After they've cooled down you can cover them with chocolate or Candy Melts.

And this is the result! 
They taste delicious!

Thanks for watching and see you around!


Recipe from
Hello everyone!
I'd like to introduce myself very quickly:

My name is Sara, I'm 27, born and raised in Barcelona (Spain)! Have been living in England for the past 3 years. Ever since I came to England I discovered the world of bakery and I love it! I've been trying simple things to start with and I've been reading a lot and trying different recipes! I'd love to share with you some recipes and I'd love to know your opinions and anything you want to show me!
So welcome to my blog, hope to see you around here very often! X

Hola a tod@s!
Me gustaría presentarme:

Me llamo Sara, tengo 27 años, nací y me crié en Barcelona ( España)! Llevo viviendo en Inglaterra 3 años. Desde qué llegué aquí descubrí la repostería y me encanta! He empezado con cositas simples y he leído mucho e intentado distintas recetas. Me encantaría compartir con vosotros las recetas, saber vuestras opiniones y todo lo que queráis enseñarme!
Así qué bienvenidos a mi blog! Esperó seguir viendoos por aquí a menudo!r